Friday, 14 November 2008

bomb-proof bins in london

i just read the university news paper and found something really interesting there.. so i tot to share here =)

This! is what a future rubbish bins will look like in london.(sorry for the picture din show how high-tech it is). The bin is actually prevention from terrorist attack, the police are concerned that bombs may be placed in the bins. so they invented this thing!! And, the cost of each bin worth 30,000 pounds and weigh around a ton. Can you see! These people are taking high consideration of their country and the people? Even put so much for their security xD. i know for some wil think that it is a waste for just a bin!!!! But, feel free to visit this website
for more information and clearer picture. this thing is really awesome.
来 了英国后我把事情都看的很开。。亲情友情爱情,对这些都已经在没有很大的期待,也不会像以前那样执著。。可能我知道就算再怎么努力也不可能把一个人留在自 己的身边,再怎么样他们还是会离开因为人本来就是一个个体。你们可能觉得这是个很普通,谁也懂的道理。。但,有体会过吗?一个人离开家里,家人的鼓励就是 一整年没有跟爸爸聊天一个月才可以听到妈妈的声音一次,到最后,有没有已他们联络已经无所谓了。可是为什么现在才来做当初我想要的,谢谢,但不用了也没用 了。。。朋友,更不用说。。如果你们觉得我变了。。对,我是变了。。那对不起。。。不是放弃只是看开了。。就像我有了我的生活他们也有了他们的。。时间久 了想法会不同,看法会不同慢慢的就会没有共同点,可能连十句话也聊不上来。。欣慰的是我知道我们会祝福对方,那时后可能言语已经不能表达些什么了。。。。 可能是一个人生活惯了慢慢地就喜欢一个人。爱上了那样的空间。但寂寞却像是黑洞。我发现人是不可以一个人的,再怎么坚强的人也好他们都会需要人的陪伴。。 但只是陪伴,除了陪伴还是陪伴。。再一起事开心就好。。最少当离别时我会记得那个时光。。记得曾经有这样的一个人。。在不同的阶段,会有不同的人,不同的 事。。要改变就得看开得接受,要放弃一些来得到一些。。




Thursday, 13 November 2008


What Makes A Malaysian A Malaysian

1. You can name all the players from the the English Premier League, but ask you to name one football player from Malaysia , one name also cannot come out.

2. When StreamyX come, you complain StreamyX too slow. When Maxis Broadband come, you complain Maxis Broadband always disconnects. When WiMax come, you complain Wimax too expensive. In the end, you say StreamyX still the best lah.

3. When toll price increase, you complain. When petrol price increase, you complain. When you go Starbucks buy RM10 coffee, NO COMPLAINTS.

4. When you cannot find parking in a shopping mall and have to walk very far, you complain. When you go inside the shopping mall and there's SALE , run from one end of 1Utama to the other also NO COMPLAINTS.

5. You are always late. And the excuse you give when you're late is always either: (a) traffic jam (b) no transport or (c) cannot find parking.

6. You have a parent who force you to take science stream in high school, study engineering in Uni, then when you graduate, they ask you to forget everything you learnt in Uni and do commerce.

7. You know someone who can specially develop an
angmoh accent when speaking to a American / British / Australian.

8. You complain against the government in kopitiam, you talk loud loud. Leave anonymous comments on blogs, you also talk loud loud. Attend ceremah by DAP, you shout loud loud. Then when Opposition organise a protest and ask you to go, you dun wan. Scared later
kena tangkap by ISA.

9. Every year on the 30th April, you are one of the people below queueing up last minute to submit your tax return at the IRB.

10. When you pay RM10 for something that costs RM1, you blame the Chinese.

11. When a government service is too slow, you blame the Malays.

12. When a building is not good and collapsed, you blame the Indians.

13. When a Chinese student won a scholarship, you say
'Wah! Very clever hor?'

14. When a Malay student won a scholarship, you say
'Aiya! Of course lah! He Malay mah!'

14. When an
angmoh stranger kiss you on the cheek to say hello, you very happy. When a Malaysian guy kiss you on the cheek to say hello, you slap him.

***i got ntg to post and i found this on email, kinda interesting xD

Sunday, 2 November 2008

happy birthday. 生日快乐。

还记得第一次和你庆祝生日是form4从我们同班开始,也就是我们友谊的开始。。记得那年,你在家开BBQ party. 还要求每个朋友穿粉红色的才去参加。结果我们真的去买了衣服才到你的派队。。那,是我第一次买的粉红色。。生日快乐。。

第二次庆祝是你刚爱上CLUBBING的时候。。我们吃了晚餐后,到THELOFT去。 那是我第一次到clubbing。。生日快乐。。。



