Sunday 19 April 2009


最近一直在想些有的没的,真的是浪费时间。。突然觉得有些疲惫,有些浪费。。人为何而 梦为何而活。。忽然又觉得孤单。。。忽然又觉得自己不是属于这地方。。世界这么大却没有容身之处。 没有被了解。。。。。我在埋怨吗?我又在埋怨。。真差劲。。要到什么时候才会满足。。要做什么才会开心。。眼看朋友们只有谈恋爱时才幸福。。也为爱哭的死去活来。。。不懂。。真的是只有爱情才可以让人幸福吗? 生活就是为了那样吗。。在疑惑。。一直想知道答案但有谁可以告诉我真正的答案是什么? 我想没人懂吧。。。life has no answers.....就因为这样所以我们都在拼命的找。。找着我们要的。。我们可以的。。。

Wednesday 15 April 2009

this blog died for quite some time.. yeah i know xDDD but thankyou for the never give up visiting.. haha..actually i really got ntg to update, bout anything. i think plurk ady help me do all the work. anddd.. you guys should know how i been doing recently.. those nvr care one will nvr wanted to know.. so what is the point of blogging! lol..just crapping..

yah, i am having my easter break now and its almost the end... ahhhh i should do my works now at least a start wil do good T.T but u know, sometime it is really hard to get start!! no other excuses but lazy.. i know u ady expected.. haha.. I really do feel the stress is coming. believe it or does. lol.

hmm what else? guess got ntg much ady. assignment due soon, exam coming. wish me luck ppl and i wish u guys good luck too.. =)..